Tuesday, May 7, 2013

Senior Final

It’s hard to believe that this is the last blog post I will ever do. Everything is flying by so fast and it’s hard to take in. Everyone I’m sure knows that I’m ready to get out of high school, but does that mean I won’t miss it or I won’t be sad? No it doesn’t. So many memories I will be leaving behind and the people that I love such as my friends, family, and yes even teachers. However, I am ready to start my life into the real world.

                To begin, out of all the advice in the world I could give to your next year students this one doesn’t have to do with just your class. Students, think about what you do before you do it. I’m serious; really take time before you make a decision. It doesn’t matter how long it takes you just make sure your making the right decision. Think about the consequences, think about the people the decision will affect, and think about how they will affect you in the long run. I have done so many stupid things and made decisions that I will regret for the rest of my entire life and there is nothing I can do about it because I didn’t think about the consequences I just did it. Because of those stupid decisions that I made they have affected what use to be my closest friends, my family and whoever was around me when I made some of those decisions. So please listen to me and think about what you’re doing before you do it and I promise you it will make life ten times better and easier. My next advice to give is do not be shy about your writing. Students this is a CREATIVE writing class, use your imagination and everything you can express out loud and put it on paper. See, I’m not a very smart kid but when I’m in that class I use my ability to talk a lot and my imagination and out it on paper. I ended up winning most creative writer! But, I wasn’t even there to receive my award. You know why? I didn’t believe in myself. I thought I wouldn’t win any awards so I just didn’t go to the award ceremony. This brings me to my next advice. Believe in yourself; know that whatever you want to do, whatever you dream of doing, you can achieve it. There is no such thing as a dream that is impossible to have. It takes motivation, time, passion, hard work, sweat, and even tears. However, it’s worth doing all that to end up being what you want to be and doing what you want to do. So students, please take the advice I have given to you and use it because I promise you it will be worth it.

                Next, it’s time to pick my favorite blog post. This is very hard to do because there are so many we have done this year and having to choose just one to write about is almost impossible. My favorite blog post was entitle “Riff on Opening Lines”. I had so much fun creating this blog because I was able to write a story. I was able to use my imagination to create a story that impressed me when I read it. It makes me wonder what I could do if I wrote like a novel or something. I just enjoyed being able to make up stuff, put it into paragraph form, and getting a good grade on it. I loved watching people read my story because I could tell that they were really getting into it. So that is my favorite blog post.

                Last but not least, the most valuable thing that I have learned in this class this year is hard work pays off. I used to always half ass homework and assignments and made terrible grades, but then I realized when I completely did a whole blog or assignment that is raised my grade a decent amount. So if I would’ve worked hard and done all my stuff completely I would be graduating with all A’s. At least I know next time and have learned from my mistakes.


Monday, May 6, 2013


I have learned how to be my inner self and how to express myself on paper. I have learned how to gather up all my creative ideas and thoughts and write them down into a story. Being able to write for five minutes without having anything brainstormed, just using your imagination to fill in the blanks. Writing about many different topics and ideas without doing research on them. Just being able to explore your mind and pull out ideas you have never even thought about before. Mostly I have learned that it doesn't take anyone special to be good at creative writing because you get to use your thoughts, ideas, felling's, and imagination and put it all together to make wonderful and incredible stories,

A Fine Line

Best- humor, eyes, sweetness, generosity, courageousness, passionate, athletic abilities, personality, singing, and having fun.

Worst- temper, common sense, back talking, mouthing, do stupid things, sometimes don't know when to shut up, always changing my mind, respecting elders, language, and disobedience.

Valuable Lessons

-Make sure to have fun. From experience I have learned to not be some boring kid I like to go out and have fun.
- Don't let people bully you around. Always make sure that everybody knows your not scared of anyone.
-  Never bring anything to school no matter who it's for or how good you think you are at hiding things.
- You choose your life don't let anyone make your decisions for you.
- A bad temper can get you in big trouble.
- Being the class clown makes you wonder how much of a jack ass your being.
- procrastinating can cause someone so much stress that they start going crazy.
-When your a freshman on the football team, make sure to be good friends with the seniors.
- Be nice to everybody because each an every person wants to feel loved and appreciated,
-Don't rush high school ;)                             

Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Creating a List and Checking it Twice

1.     People who have influenced me-  My parents, grandparents, friends, coaches, teachers, and cousins
      2.     Places that make me happy- My bed, restaurants, weight rooms, pools, movie theaters, and football fields
      3.     Places I would like to go- Colorado, California, Wisconsin, Canada, strip clubs, and casinos
      4.     Things in people that I like- humor, generosity, loyalty, courage, kindness, and athleticism
      5.    Things in people that I dislike- snobby, lazy, two-faced, mean, rude, and think their smarter then everyone else
      6.     Things that worry me- my future, money, grades, getting caught when I'm doing something I shouldn't, death, and finding a job
      7.     Things I would like to know how to do- snowboard, skydive, get rich quick, fix vehicles, mountain climbing, and fly an airplane
      8.     Things that have moved me- the movie Passion of the Christ, Facing the Giants, my mom telling me she loves me everyday, when my Joe and bo hug me in school, My dad randomly telling me to have a good day at school, and when people tell me I'm looking good
     9.     Ideas that intrigue me- That you need college to get a good job, being skinny is good, that aliens are real, steroids are illegal, smarter people are better, and being lazy is now cool.
    10.  My personal favorites- Lifting Weights, eating, sleeping, playing on my new phone, going out with friends, watching That 70s Show, going to the lake, hanging out with girls, and shopping for clothes.

Monday, April 22, 2013

Never Say Goodbye

The hardest goodbye I have ever had to say was to a very special girl named Taylor. I first met her when I was very young and we lived on Fort Campbell, KY because my dad was in the army. Taylor and I hung out everyday and sometimes she even stayed the night with me. After a couple years we decided to move to Missouri. After living in Missouri for almost five years Taylor came down to visit me. She stayed for two weeks and those were the best two weeks of my life. We went to Branson together and swam in the pool, went to watch a musical, played in an arcade, and walked around in shops. Taylor and I would always wrestle at my house and she would always beat me because I always let her win but she doesn't know that. Taylor and I became intimate with each other and it was very special every time it happened. The day before Taylor left we went to Joplin with my sister, when we arrived to the mall my sister went to hangout with her boyfriend and me and Taylor walked around. The me and her decided to leave and go for a drive. We arrived at a back dirt road surrounded by trees and there was a path. So me and Taylor walked on the path for 30 minutes just talking and then came back to the car and we made love. After that we went back to the mall and picked sister up and went home. Finally, we made it to my house, Emilee went and fell asleep on the couch, so Taylor and I went and cleaned my room and made love again. Later that day my parents arrived home and we all watched movies till it was time for bed. When everyone else fell asleep Taylor and I layed on the couch together and talked for a couple of hours. We went to my bedroom and made love for the last time and it was the greatest time of my life, not just because it was sex, but because it was with the most special girl in my life that I have known very long. We ended up staying up the whole night talking and listening to music on her computer. In the morning it was time for Taylor to leave back to Texas. She gave all my family hugs and goodbyes. Then she came to me and we hugged, I gave her one last kiss, and then she whispered in my ear "I love you Jake and I will miss you". I started tearing up and then she left. I managed to hold my tears because I had to go to school. That was the hardest goodbye I have ever went through. That night all I could think about was Taylor and all the memories we had shared. I honestly know that she was the most perfect girl for me and I wish and hope without all my heart that when I see her again that we will be together forever.

Tuesday, April 16, 2013

In other Words

1.) "Stupid is as stupid does. Forrest Gump."
2.) "Life is like a box of chocolates, you never know what you gonna get". Forrest Gump
3.) "I'm ready." SpongeBob Squarepants.
4.) "Lightweight baby!" Ronnie Coleman.
5.) "Git'R'Done." Larry the Cable Guy.
6.) "Don't cry before its over, smile because it happened." Dr. Suess
7.)"The last three or four reps is what makes the muscle grow. This area of pain divides the champion from someone else who is not a champion. That's what most people lack, having the guts to go on and just say they'll go through the pain no matter what happens." Arnold Schwarzenneger.
8.)“Eat like an Animal. Train like a Monster. Sleep like a Baby.” Keith Nolan
9.) "I believe that the definition of definition is reinvention. To not be
like you parents. To not be like your friends. To be yourself.
Completely." Henry Rollins
10.) "I prefer to work out alone. It enables me to concentrate on the lessons
that the Iron has for me. Learning about what you’re made of is always
time well spent, and I have found no better teacher. The Iron had
taught me how to live." Henry Rollins

Monday, April 15, 2013


-Which is easier to close? a road or a map? A map because it is made out of paper. So all you have to do is fold it in half.
-Which is more useful? a friend or an enemy? A friend because he will be on your side no matter what and won't deceive you. He will also do everything in his power to help overcome any situation.
-Which is more trustworthy? history or literature? History because it's already happened. So since its already happened there's not much that could be lied about it.
-Which is sadder? seek or find? To find something would be more sad because what if you seek all that way and found something you weren't looking for. The journey is better than the destination always.
-Which costs more? a home or a house? A home because a home is a place where you plan on living forever and creating memories. So you are going to put more money into your home and not just some house.
-Which is happier? music or art? Music because you can express yourself by singing and dancing, rather than painting or drawing. Plus, music has a way better impact on your emotions then art does.
-Which is like a valentine? the truth or a lie? Definitely a lie. Guys tend to lie to girls on valentines day and tell them they love them so they can have sex.
-Which is smarter? A clock or a calendar? A clock because it controls and tells you the time. Knowing what time it is, is probably the most important thing.
-Which is easier to teach? a question or an answer? A question, anybody can think of a question. Its the answer that takes time and research to figure out.
-Which is more fearful? new or old? Well I would rather get something knew even if it was disappointing because it at least would be in good shape. However if I was getting something old I would be kind of scared to see what it was.

Friday, April 12, 2013

Unfinished Sentences

1. I usually worry about many things. The thing I worry about the most is what I am going to do after high school.
2. I feel angry when people are mean to other people just to make them look good. Like telling someone that they suck at something just so they can look good at it.
3. I’m moody when I'm hungry. As soon as I get something to eat I'm happy as can be.
4. I’m happiest when things go my way. Like if I asked my mom for something and she says no, but I persuade her into saying yes.
5. I feel confident when I have a girlfriend. This is because I feel like I can show off my girlfriend and people envy me. 
6. I feel frustrated when I'm doing homework. I'm not very smart so when I try to do good on my homework it really frustrates me.
7. I feel depressed when bad things happen. Like this girl I really care about is moving to Alabama in the fall and I'm not sure if I will ever see her again.
8. I am comfortable when I'm alone. Sometimes I talk to myself or pretend to do this which make me feel really comfortable.
9. I feel nervous when people tell stories about what I've done when I'm with a girl. I have done some stupid things so it makes me nervous because I'm not sure how she will react.
10. I feel sentimental when people say good things about me. It makes me feel cool, special, and needed.

Thursday, April 11, 2013

Abstract Nouns

Sadness is a water puddle
Happiness is a puppy
Courage is a lion
Honesty is a man
Faith is believing without seeing
Misery is a snow storm
Love is a heart
Dedication is a teacher
Curiosity is a cat
Trust is an airplane
Relaxation is a hot tub
Deceit is the president
Creativity is art
Nature is a forest
Beauty is a woman

Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Sensory Experience

Hear- 1.)The first time I ever shot a gun, I was 10 years old and my grandpa took me out for target practice using his 30-06. I aimed at the target, pulled the trigger, and a loud ringing noise shot into my ear drums.
- 2.)Everyone was yelling and cheering for me to do it, they were hollering so loud I thought I was going to lose my sense of hearing.
- 3.)The terrible sound of the whistle at the end of football practice let everyone now it was time to run.

Smell- 1.)When the ringing in my ears went away all I could smell was the burnt gunpowder.
-2.)The smell of the lake and all the trees was just so calming.
- 3.)I could smell the sweaty body odor from the other players as they stood next to me on the starting line.

Touch- 1.)I went and picked up the bullet shell and touching it burned my fingers because it was still so hot.
-2.)My feet were starting to hurt because I wasn't wearing shoes on this big rocky cliff.
- 3.) The coach blew the whistle again and we all started sprinting as fast as we could, I could feel my heart rate getting faster and faster.

Sight- 1.)I looked and what I saw was a big whole directly in the middle of the target.
- 2.)I looked down off the bluff and it had to be 50 feet down to the dark cloudy water.
- 3.)As I was running I saw the coaches just relaxing and talking while we had to run our asses off.

Taste- 1.)All I could do now was taste sweet victory.
- 2.)So I jumped and after what felt like an hour of falling I finally hit the water. I sprang up to the surface with the nasty taste of lake water in my mouth, thankful to be alive.
- 3.) Finally we finished running and my mouth was so dry all I could taste was the dirt off of my mouthpiece.

Monday, April 8, 2013

Symbolic Recipe

  • 2 cups of courage
  • 1/4 cup of annoying
  • 2 tablespoons of hardworking
  • 1 teaspoon of mean
  • 2 drops of love
  • 1-1/2 cups of funny
  • 1/4 cup of stupidity
  • 1/2 cup of generosity
  • Way Too Nice SYRUP:
  • 1 cup of passion
  • 1/2 cup of caring
  • 1 to 2 teaspoons of change

  • Directions

    • In a large bowl, combine the courage, annoying, hardworking and mean. Combine love, funny and stupidity; add to dry ingredients just until moistened. Fold in generosity.
    • Pour the batter by 1/4 cupfuls onto a lightly greased hot griddle. Turn when bubbles form on top; cook until second side is golden brown. Keep warm.
    • Combine the way too nice syrup ingredients in a 2-cup microwave-safe bowl. Microwave, uncovered, on high until I am is melted and the way too nice syrup is hot, stirring occasionally. Serve with people. Yield: 6 servings.

    Personal Metaphors

    1. Animal- If I were an animal, I would be a Tiger.

    2. Car- If I were a car, I would be a mustang.

    3. Article of Clothing- If I were an article of clothing, I would be a shirt.

    4. Day of the Week- If I were a day, I would be a Friday.

    5. Food- If I were a food, I would be fried catfish.

    6. Color- If I were a color, I would be blue.

    7. Movie- If I were a movie, I would be Step Brothers.

    8. Fragrance- If I were a fragrance, I would be Old Spice.

    9. Type of Building- If I were a building, I would be a skyscraper.

    10. Plant- If I were a plant, I would be a thorn bush.

    11. Musical Instrument- If I were a musical instrument, I would be an electric guitar.

    12. Geometric Shape- If I were a geometric shape, I would be an octagon.

    13. Piece of Furniture- If I were a piece of furniture, I would be a bed.

    14. Song- If I were a song, I would be kick it in the sticks by Brantley Gilbert.

    15. Appliance or Machinery- If I were an appliance or a piece of machinery, I would be a hammer.

    16. Television Character- If I were a television character, I would be Rob Dyrdek.

    17. Season of the Year- If I were a season of the year, I would be fall.

    18. Natural Phenomenon- If I were a natural phenomenon, I would be an Ice Age.

    19. Cartoon or Comic Character- If I were a cartoon character, I would be SpongeBob.

    20. Word- If I were a word, I would be untamable.

    Friday, April 5, 2013

    Likes & Dislikes

    Chinese food
    Hanging out with friends
    Street Fights
    2.) Dislikes-
    Birthday cake
    Pierce City
    Smart Alec's
    Cano lope
    Annoying family members

    Monday, April 1, 2013

    I Want to Talk About Me

    Hey my name Marcum, Jacob, Marcum. I am a very complicated person, but most people don't know that. I change my mind about stuff all the time, I'm not exactly sure why but I think it is because I am a "live for the moment" kind of guy. Everyone knows I am a talker, I talk constantly soooo much, but I honestly don't see the problem with talking alot because all I am doing is expressing myself in a verbal way. My favorite food is chinese, my favorite color is blue, my favorite animal is a white bengal tiger, and my favorite sports are football and mma. I love country music, always have and always will, but lately I have been listening to alot of rap and pop and I am starting to really like them. Working out is something I do almost everyday I love to hit the weights and get big and ripped! I have a great personality, I love to make people laugh, I'm outgoing, I'm very loyal to my friends, and family, and I have an amazing smile. My favorite thing to do is to go out and hangout with friends. I have sooo many memories with my friends. Meeting new people is something I really enjoy. I'm a hard worker and whenever I get offered the chance to make money I take complete advantage of it. some of my flaws however is im very impatient and I rush into things way to fast. I am a christian, however I've changed sooo much in my relationship between me and God, unfortunately I'm not close to him anymore and that of course needs to change. I hate running unless its like in a sport and not just running for fun. This is pretty much everything about me.

    Tuesday, March 19, 2013

    The Work for my Generation
    I believe the work that needs to be done for my generation to help achieve being leaders is to set good examples. There are so many kids that look up to people in my generation including me. So for us to start being leaders we need to set good examples for those kids. We need to help show them that our actions are good so that when they get our age they're actions are good. We need to help teach them right for wrong and show them to not do stupid things to get introuble and show them how to not fall into peer pressure. Help them become better students whether it's inside or outside the classroom. But most of all show them how to be better people.
    In the Next Ten Years
    In the next ten years I see myself achieving my long term and short term goals that I have set. I see myself living in a beatiful home with alot of land. I see myself with two beautiful chiuldren and an amzing, loving wife. I will be in the middle of completing my career, which is being the UFC heavyweight champion of the world. I will be working hard while taking my boxing, kickboxing, and jujitsu classes. In the next ten years I see myself trying as hard as possible to be the best husband and father I could possibly be. I will hope that in the next ten years I will still have my absolute best friends from high school and have them come over once in a while to hangout with me and my family. I want to be able to say in the next ten years that I have no regrets with what I have done with my life and to be one hundred percent proud of myself. This is where I see myself in the next ten years.

    Monday, March 18, 2013

    One Call
    This is an easy answer. If I had only one call in any situation and needed somebody I could always rely on no matter what it would be my best friend Joe. Joe and I are always there for each other and always have each others back no matter what. There has been situations before when I needed help and I have always called Joe, he has always answered, and he has always helped me out. It doesn't matter how big the situation, whether it's vehicle problems, family problems, my own stupidity, or even a fight and I need some backup, Joe will help me out and I would do the same for him. I have been best friends with Joe for almost four years and when I say best friends I mean we are pretty much brothers and I hope it will stay like that forever. So if ever throughout my lifetime can only have one phone call for helpe I would Joe and know without a doubt he would pick up the phone and be on his way to help.

    Wednesday, March 13, 2013

    The World Out There
    No I don't think we are alone. Now when I say that I don't mean I think there are aliens in space or other forms of life in all of the other galaxies. But what about heaven? I believe 100% with all my heart there is a heaven that contains of GOD, JESUS, angels, and all the real christians that have passed away. I believe that they are up in heaven looking down on us everyday of our lives and are hoping that each person does better to improve themselves faithfully and spiritually every day before it's too late. I am positive that there are no aliens in space or any other creatures because GOD made Earth, people, plants, light, darkness, animals, etc.. and in no where in the bible does it say that GOD created another planet that has other life forms. The Bible tells the truth, only the truth, and nothing but the truth. If there were aliens the bible would say so like it has said everything else that is true. So no we are not alone we are being watched everyday of our lives by a far more better creation than Earth.

    Monday, March 11, 2013

    Summer before College
    I would buy an rv and take a trip with all my friends to anywhere in the U.S. We would have so much fun on our road trip. We would visit colorado and climb the mountains, go to the grand canyon, go to yellowstone park, and make so many memories together. When we return we would go to my apartment that I just bought and have a huge party and rip up the town. We would take pictures and videos of stupid stuff we do everyday. I would go on vacation with my family and spend time with them. After I spend time with my family, however, its time for friends again. Honestly, after we took our road trip we would pretty much do the same thing every night and that would be hangout, drive around the town, and sometimes drink. So that is what I would do for the summer before college if I did not have to worry about the money.

    Friday, March 8, 2013

    Educated Person
    Honestly, I believe an educated person means to to be smart more with their commen sense and street smarts rather than book knowledge. See even if you know math, science, english, or government you still need to know how to act in the real world and makes decisions based on common sense. I mean why do you have to go to college to get a job and do good for yourself? I have many people in my family who never went to college and have good jobs and are doing great for themselves. People nowadays are to lazy to get out and do hard work, they would rather type on the computer or write things for a living. Everybody should be willing to work their butt of and get the pay they deserve. I hate when people who work at the same job get paid less than somebaody else just becaus ethey don't have the title manager or something and the manager does less work than the person getting paid less. So to me an educated person is one who works hard to make money to support their family and when tough decisions come they make the correct choice using their common sense.
    Bad Invention
    I believe fast food is a bad invention. Not eating fast foods can help you avoid deficiency-related health problems such as anemia, osteoporosis and cardiovascular diseases. The Dietary Guidelines explain that high proportions of undesirable nutrients edge out the more valuable vitamins, minerals and dietry fibers that your body needs. For example, a meal of large-sized fries, a double-meat cheeseburger, an oversized soda pop and an ice cream dessert can approach 1,500 calories, as per the USDA Nutrient Database.That's three-quarters of your daily calorie allowance in a 2,000-calorie diet, leaving just 500 calories to complete the requirements for vitamins A, B, C, D and E, fiber, calcium, magnesium and other essential minerals. Reversing this equation and using the smaller calorie allotment for less nutritious foods can help you rehabilitate a poor diet.

    Thursday, March 7, 2013

    During the  year I was thirteen, many things had happened. When I first turn thirteen I was live at Fort Campbell, KY and was so excited because we were about to move to Pierce City, MO. We had all our things packed and ready to go, so we left Kentucky and headed to Pierce City. When we got there it was so beautiful and I was so happy, and suprisingly I was excited to start school there. Well it was the night before my first day of school and I had all of my things packed and ready to go. The next morning I took a shower and got dressed for school when I found out that school was closed because of the icy weather, I was so disappointed. That whole week school was closed and it was the week before there christmas break, so I didnt get to start school until January. When I finally started going to school there I loved it and I really liked the people there. That's when I got my famous name "Marcum" which is my last name.
    To me courage means doing something for someone or yourself when your scared to do it. Courage is sticking up for yourself and what you believe in even if there may be consequences. You don't have to be some kind of hero to be courageous or try to act like your stronger or better than everyone, because thats not what courage is about. For example, if you see your friends bully a kid and your scared to say something to them about it because your scared they might be stop being your friends and you tell them to stop doing it anyways, then thats courage. Courage help defines a person character it shows that they will make sure thats good is happened over bad. Honestly, there have been times when I have had the oppurtunity to be courageous and I decided not to be. However, there have been other times that I have been very courageous and put my fear behind. This to me is courage.

    Tuesday, March 5, 2013

    The word that best describe me is uncontrollable. Nobody can control me because the way I see it is life is about taking risks and having fun without anybody getting in the way. See thats why my mom and I always argue and fight, because she can't control me. At school no teacher or principal can control me because I do what I want. Now the effects of me doing this usually cause me getting introuble, however I don't count it as trouble because I can't be disciplined. See another way to describe me other than uncontrollable is steel trap. No one can bend or break me. I know people probably think that I must be a terribly bad kid for this, but the way I see it is it's your life and no one should have control over what you do, where you go, or how and why you do things. I'm not trying to sound like a big jerk because I'm not I'm actually a really nice and giving person, but when someone tries to stand in the way of my happiness they will be knocked down. So this is one of the words that best describes me and what I believe in.

    Friday, March 1, 2013

    1.) fity pound dumbell- I love to lift weights, so I could not live without bringing some sort of weight to lift. Everyday I gotta get stronger.
    2.) My hunting knife- My grandpa gave me a hunting knife along time ago. Since my grandpa is my hero I would have to bring the knife he gave me.
    3.) creatine- This helps my muscles get better faster and increases the muscle mass. So I have to bring this.
    4.) level 1 protein- I love getting bigger. Drinking protein will make me gain more weight.
    5.) shaker bottle- I love shaker bottles especially how there designed. Also I need this so i have something to put my protein and creatine in.
    6.) letterman jacket- This show that throughout highschool I played football. It has value to me.
    7.) scrapbook of pictures- Memories of family and friends. I will always be able to remember the good and bad times if i have a scrapbook with me.
    8.) UFC sports magazine- I love fighting. If I have this around I could read it over and over and stay busy without ever getting bored with it.
    9.) my autographed football- For christmas one year I recieved a denver broncos autographed football. The broncos are my favorite NFL team so I will always treasure the football.
    10.)  Watch- Along time ago my dad gave me a very nice watch. This watch is very special because it had a medal covering over it so if i fell the watch would not break.

    Thursday, February 28, 2013

    Thanksgiving in the year of 2011. That was the greatest thanksgiving I have ever had, all my family was there including some of my friends, there was so much food, and we had football on the television and played football outside. So as soon as my family got to my house, they came inside and we all started talking, laughing, and just hanging out. Then my mom sayed it is time to pray and so my grandpa got up and prayed. Then we all got in line and started making our plates of food. About an hour later everyone had finished eating a very wonderful and delicious meal. Then we went outside to play a big game of football. After about another hour we went back inside to just chill and talk. Thats when the most interesting think I have ever heard was said. My uncle Robby told me that my uncle Jeremiah was dating this girl for along time and they my Unclke J went to her house and found a picture of his grandma at her house. So he asked her why she had a picture of his grandma in her house and she told him thats her grandma. They both realized they were cousins.

    Monday, February 25, 2013

    The first person I look up to is a proffesional bodybuilder named Kai Greene. He was born July, 12th in Brooklynn, NY. For ten years Kai Greene had to move form foster home to foster home. As he went through this he found weight training to help him overcome everything. Most people don't know this but out of all his talents he had a desire to be a visual artist. He combined his two passions, weight lifting and art, and connected them together. So he became his own model. He spent most of his middle school traveling to different shows and taking teen titles. After Kia Greene recieved second place for the first time he decided to start packing on wait to show how much of a freak of nature he really was. Before Kia Greene turned 19 years old he became a proffesional with an organization and was the youngest natural pro bodybuilder in the world.As a natural athlete, Kai Greene wanted to win the Team Universe and become pro with the IFBB through the Amateur World Championship. In 1999, after being unsuccesful twice, Kai won the heavyweight division and overall title at the Team Universe! This shows what passion and desire Kai Greene has for bodybuilding. I look up to him because it's almost impossible for somebody who has had such a hard childhood to find something they are passionate about and work so hard to be the best they can be possibly. I just home someday I can be so passionate about something.
    http://icemanmma.com/the-iceman/Heidi, Seibert. "Chuck Liddell." http://icemanmma.com/the-iceman/. Zinkin Entertainment inc.. Web. 25 Feb 2013. http://icemanmma.com/the-iceman/.
    I will start off by saying that Chuck Lidell is a freak of nature. The best fights I have ever seen are from this guy. He has knocked out so many people, he has one of the best boxing and kicking combinations I have ever seen. My dad and I used to watch Chuck Liddell fight all the time before he retired. Most people would say he should work on his takedowns and ground attack, but with such good standup fighting he really doesn't need to worry about that. Not only was he a beast at fighting, but he also appeared in many television shows, commercials, and was even in a music video, Rockstar by Nickelback. Chuck Liddell is 6"2', same height as me, and he weighs 205 pounds, however i weigh a little bit more than that. He did many different forms of mixed martial arts including,
    Kenpō Karate, Koei-Kan Karate, Kickboxing, Wrestling. His outsanding fighting record is Total 29
    Wins 21
    By knockout 13
    By submission 1
    By decision 7
    Losses 8
    By knockout 6
    By submission 1
    By decision 1. As you can see Chuck Liddel was a dynasty and a legacy in the UFC.

    Ronda Rousey UFC Bantamweight Champion." http://www.rondamma.com/. N.p.. Web. 25 Feb 2013. <http://www.rondamma.com/>.
    Ronda Jean Rousey  was born February 1, 1987 and  is an American mixed martial artist and judoka. She is the first and current UFC Women's Bantamweight Champion, as well as the former Strikeforce Women's Bantamweight Champion. She has finished all of her opponents by armbar in the first round. Rousey became the first American woman to earn an Olympic medal in Judo at the Summer Olympics in Beijing in 2008. 
    Rousey number 1 pound-for-pound female MMA fighter in the world, according to MMARising, MMAWeekly, and many other publication, she is also ranked number 1 at 135 pounds according to the Unified Women's MMA Rankings.
    Rousey trains under famous fighters Gokor Chivichyan of the Hayastan MMA Academy and Edmond Tarverdyan of the Glendale Fighting Club. She is part of Team Hayastan in Santa Monica, California. She is managed by Darin Harvey of Fight Tribe MMA. It still blows my mind how she has achieved all this. When she was a little girl her dad got hurt and had only two years to live, he didn't want his children to see him die so he went to an old pond, hooked a hose from his exhaust to the inside of his car, started his car, and went to sleep, and died. Ronda also suffered from a speech impediment when she was little, people used to make fun of her so she tried homeschooling, but ended up dropping out. With no high school education she is now The Woman's Bantamweight Champion of the World. That is why I look up to her. 

    Monday, February 11, 2013

     This was the football teams 7 on 7 and offensive line camp of 2011. This picture is just after we competed in a sled pushing race a gainst miller and we won, so coach Mac's wife got her camera out and took a picture of all of us.

    Tuesday, February 5, 2013

    If i could go back in time and re-do one day of my life it would be the day I sold my dark blue ford explorer. It was getting close to my 17th birthday and I kept telling my mom I wanted a nice truck, but knew that I probably would not get one. Well, my birthday came around and very suprisingly my mom threw me the keys to my new truck. I could not wait to see it. So we went down to my grandmas house where my mom hid the truck. When we got there I finally got to see my new truck. It was the worst piece of junk I had ever seen in my life. There was dents, scratches, spray paint, chipped pain, and to start it i had to jump start it because the battery was almost dead. The best thing about that truck was the radio. Oh and I forgot to mention it was an 85 chevy S10. Even though it was a piece of junk I was thankfull. That day my mom sold my explorer. The truck only lasted a few months before the transmission went out and the brakes stopped working. I miss my explorer so much. I had so many great memories in it. Such as, Joe and I driving it to Sprinfield to got watch an Eric Church and Brantley Gilbert concert at the JQH arena. That was the best day I have ever had and im glad it was wtih my best friend Joe. Also Joe, Cedric, jordan, Eric, and me used to drive everywhere and get into lost of trouble with my explorer and it always ran great; there was never any problems with my explorer. The inside of my explorer was also one of its best features. It had clean,shiny leather seats, a nice radio, perfectly carpeted floor boards, nice interior, and it even showed how many miles of gas I had left until it was empty. I had honestly the best days of my life when I had my explorer. So if I could go back to the day that we sold it I would have told my mom not to and to sell that truck she just bought to somebody else.

    Tuesday, January 29, 2013

    1.       Amazing- incredible, unbelievable, improbable


    2.       Anger- enrage, infuriate, arouse,


    3.       Angry- mad, furious, enraged,


    4.       Answer- reply, respond, retort,


    5.       Ask- question, inquire of, seek information from,


    6.       Awful- dreadful, terrible, abominable,


    7.       Bad- evil, immoral, wicked,


    8.       Beautiful - pretty, lovely, handsome,


    9.       Begin - start, open, launch,


    10.   Big - enormous, huge, immense,


    11.   Brave - courageous, fearless, dauntless,


    12.   Break - fracture, rupture, shatter,


    13.   Bright - shining, shiny, gleaming,


    14.   Calm - quiet, peaceful, still,


    15.   Come - approach, advance, near,


    16.   Cool - chilly, cold, frosty


    17.   Crooked - bent, twisted, curved,


    18.   Cry - shout, yell, yowl,


    19.   Cut - gash, slash, prick


    20.   Dangerous - perilous, hazardous, risky,


    21.   Dark - shadowy, unlit, murky,


    22.   Decide - determine, settle, choose,


    23.   Definite - certain, sure, positive,


    24.   Delicious - savory, delectable, appetizing,


    25.   Describe - portray, characterize, picture,


    26.   Destroy - ruin, demolish, raze


    27.   Difference - disagreement, inequity, contrast


    28.   Do - execute, enact, carry out,


    29.   Dull - boring, tiring,, tiresome, uninteresting,


    30.   Eager - keen, fervent, enthusiastic,


    31.   End - stop, finish, terminate,


    32.   Enjoy - appreciate, delight in, be pleased,


    33.   Explain - elaborate, clarify, define,


    34.   Fair - just, impartial, unbiased,


    35.   Fall - drop, descend, plunge,


    36.   False - fake, fraudulent, counterfeit


    37.   Famous - well-known, renowned, celebrated,


    38.   Fast - quick, rapid, speedy,


    39.   Fat - stout, corpulent, fleshy,


    40.   Fear - fright, dread, terror,


    41.   Fly - soar, hover, fling


    42.   Funny - humorous, amusing, droll,


    43.   Get - acquire, obtain, secure,


    44.   Go - recede, depart, fade,


    45.   Good - excellent, fine, superior,


    46.   Great - noteworthy, worthy, distinguished,


    47.   Gross - improper, rude, coarse,


    48.   Happy - pleased, contented, satisfied,


    49.   Hate - despise, loathe, detest,


    50.   Have - hold, possess, own,


    51.   Help - aid, assist, support,


    52.   Hide - conceal, cover, mask,


    53.   Hurry - rush, run, speed,


    54.   Hurt - damage, harm, injure


    55.   Idea - thought, concept, conception,


    56.   Important - necessary, vital, critical,


    57.   Interesting - fascinating, engaging, sharp,


    58.   Keep - hold, retain, withhold,


    59.   Kill - slay, execute, assassinate


    60.   Lazy - indolent, slothful, idle,


    61.   Little - tiny, small, diminutive


    62.   Look - gaze, see, glance,


    63.   Love - like, admire, esteem,


    64.   Make - create, originate, invent,


    65.   Mark - label, tag, price,


    66.   Mischievous - prankish, playful, naughty,


    67.   Move - plod, go, creep,


    68.   Moody - temperamental, changeable, short-tempered


    69.   Neat - clean, orderly, tidy


    70.   New - fresh, unique, original,


    71.   Old - feeble, frail, ancient,


    72.   Part - portion, share, piece,


    73.   Place - space, area, spot,


    74.   Plan - plot, scheme, design,


    75.   Popular - well-liked, approved, accepted,


    76.   Predicament - quandary, dilemma, pickle,


    77.   Put - place, set, attach,


    78.   Quiet - silent, still, soundless


    79.   Right - correct, accurate, factual,


    80.   Run - race, speed, hurry,


    81.   Say/Tell - inform, notify, advise


    82.   Scared - afraid, frightened, alarmed,


    83.   Show - display, exhibit, present,


    84.   Slow - unhurried, gradual, leisurely,


    85.   Stop - cease, halt, stay,


    86.   Story - tale, myth, legend,


    87.   Strange - odd, peculiar, unusual


    88.   Take - hold, catch, seize


    89.   Tell - disclose, reveal,  show


    90.   Think - judge, deem, assume


    91.   Trouble - distress, anguish, anxiety


    92.   True - accurate, right, proper,


    93.   Ugly - hideous, frightful, frightening


    94.   Unhappy - miserable, uncomfortable, sad


    95.   Use - employ, utilize, exhaust,


    96.   Wrong - incorrect, inaccurate, mistaken


    97.   Red- maroon, crimson,


    98.   Yellow- Amarillo, gold


    99.   Black- negro, dark



    100.                        Word- saying, phrase