Friday, March 8, 2013

Educated Person
Honestly, I believe an educated person means to to be smart more with their commen sense and street smarts rather than book knowledge. See even if you know math, science, english, or government you still need to know how to act in the real world and makes decisions based on common sense. I mean why do you have to go to college to get a job and do good for yourself? I have many people in my family who never went to college and have good jobs and are doing great for themselves. People nowadays are to lazy to get out and do hard work, they would rather type on the computer or write things for a living. Everybody should be willing to work their butt of and get the pay they deserve. I hate when people who work at the same job get paid less than somebaody else just becaus ethey don't have the title manager or something and the manager does less work than the person getting paid less. So to me an educated person is one who works hard to make money to support their family and when tough decisions come they make the correct choice using their common sense.


  1. That is a very good explanation Jacob. It is truely hard to find people now and days, who are willing to do a job right the first time and work hard while trying to accomplish it. Not very many people will do that at a job anymore. It's always nice to see someone actually doing their job and not goofing off or even doing nothing.,

  2. I completely agree with your view on education. Being educated isn't just based on being book smart. I honestly believe that you have to be street smart and have good common sense to make it in the real world. Your entire answer to this question has just taken the words out of my mouth. I know you and I don't agree on many things but this is one thing we have in common.
