Monday, February 11, 2013

 This was the football teams 7 on 7 and offensive line camp of 2011. This picture is just after we competed in a sled pushing race a gainst miller and we won, so coach Mac's wife got her camera out and took a picture of all of us.


  1. It was the track season. Jacob Marcum was ready. He had been waiting for track season to start and joined it the moment he was able to join. Jacob had worked hard and practiced his way to make sure he was able to compete in the track meet. It was his first track meet and he did a couple of practiced run to get warmed up for the actual competition. He listened as the announcer named off the list of current track team was up next and he jumped up when the announcer announced his section in the meet. “Would the one hundred meter dash participants get ready for their race.” Jacob immediately stood up and too his place on the sixth line of the track. He stretched and got ready to start. Once the person in charge of the starting gun shot the gun Jacob Marcum ran as fast as he could.

  2. Well it was a good day of working out; we all seemed to really be enjoying ourselves. We all maxed out higher than we ever have before; it was pretty enjoyable all in all. But as the day started to close that’s when things got really interesting. We all had went out to Marcum’s house to ride horses later that day and whenever we got there, we realized we had forgot a couple of cell phones at the gym. So we all had to go back and search the gym, up to down, left to right. It was pretty hectic, by the time we got done and we were all tired even though we had found what we was looking for. So we decided we could take a picture of us all just hanging out, even though we were tired as hell. Little did we know, the real workout consisted of us searching for the missing cell phones, we had lost four of them today. When we found them they all were at their own little location. So it was a one of a kind day after all.

  3. it’s the first day of summer football practice and the team has been practicing hard all day with the exception of Jacob. The photographer shows up to take pictures around the team to put in the newspaper to show the town what to expect this year in the football program. With no surprise we see Jacob Marcum flexing his “huge” biceps and trying to look cool and tough. It’s not working Marcum sorry. This shows the truth in the football practice.

  4. Jacob: Today started out like any other day. When lunch came around everything changed. These 6 bullies came up to my friends and me, they started saying rude and mean things. They said we couldn’t play football, that we were dumb, and that we all were nerds who would never have girlfriends. Right than I, Jacob Marcum, stood up to them and said we challenge you to a football game right after school. The bullies started laughing because I tried to act all big and tough. The truth was; I was scared out of my mind. They all said we will be there, but you better not wimp out. I looked towards my friends and they all said, “What have you gotten us into!” Right then I stood up on the table and gave a long speech about how we can do this and that if we lose it wouldn’t matter because we would still have each other. When the time came to play some football we stepped out on the field, 30 minutes went by and we looked at the score board. We were winning by 2 touch downs. All we had to do was hold them for the last 3 minutes.

  5. Marcum: During the summer Marcum and the boys wanted to make sure that they kept in touch. They all made a deal that every day at noon they were all going to meet in the park for a picnic. This had become quite the tradition so it was something they did every summer. The first day of each summer picnic they get all the boys together and take a group picture of them all at their picnic. They don’t just snack on finger sandwiches and drink juice boxes they also like to play a few games here and there. One of their favorite games to play is MASH. Those boys like to know their futures as well as gossip as much as any other girl. but even after all the talking they still have enough time and energy to play a little freeze tag.

  6. Its summer break and the football players got together to enjoy it with the ladies in the back. Madison Deems, Dalton Boykin, two kids in the middle, Jacob Marcum, and Log Dog all pose in the picture because they have just finished a short game of football. Hot and sweaty, each of them reveals their “hot stuff body” to the ladies present and goes for a dip in the pool. Ahh, it was such a good sensational feeling of the cool water and a hot sun beaming down its’ rays of heat to make summer such a good time. After about an hour or two in the pool, Marcum had to leave because his pure muscle body and 6 packs were shriveling from osmosis. He steps out of the pool and all the women present stare at that unbearable body and uncontrollably come to him to complement him on such a fine body. Today was the day that Marcum was able to pick up ladies until his body shriveled and began inflating outward. One day of fame is good enough for a life full of shame. Darn that walking fortune cookie!

  7. “Just one minute,” Trey announced, holding up his index finger for emphasis. “I know this place.”
    “You should, dude. It’s our practice field. We’re here every day.” The taller ginger to his right pointed out.
    “No, I feel like this place is significant; like I’ve been here before, but not just to practice.” The boy looked around for clues to explain this feeling he had.
    “Bro, you’re losing it. Are you sure you didn’t get knocked in the head too hard in the game last Friday?” came the voice from the kid in the cutoff t-shirt.
    “I know what it is.” He answered, fear filling his face as a memory washed over him. “This is where it all happened. This is where I died.”

  8. Jacob Marcum: One of the hardest things to do in the summer is be outside for long periods of time. When you play high school football, practice outside for hours upon hours is one thing you become immune to. All of the kids dread waking up at 8 going to practice going home for lunch and then coming back at noon, this is called two a days. Also known as torture, these kids run drills after drills. A group of boys thought it would be a good idea to stay up all night the day before two a days. In result they were slacking behind on all the drills and were called out by the head coach. The head coach at first was teasing them and made them stand in front of the whole team and apologize for bringing the team down. The boys handled that find without embarrassment, so the coach hand to do something different they were punished and would have to spend the rest of the week with coach at his household and live by his rules.

  9. Jacob and “The Guys,” Decided to play some three on three football. They all get in position to run some new plays, and who would have thought, Madison Deems shows up. “DUUUUDE can I play!” he shouted. “Well sure,” Marcum replied. They get back into position to run some passing plays to brush up on their skills. After just running some plays they actually start scoring and it turns into a real game. With no time clock they just keep on playing and playing until the dead of night.

  10. The home was for troubled kids. Not necessarily those that had broken the law, though they were there too, but for guys that just needed some extra guidance. The dive boys had made incredible progress over the summer and their last week together was upon them. The boys stayed there over the summer to keep themselves out of trouble and as a result, had become rather good friends. To pass their free time outside, they organized pick-up games on the football field. Their advisor used to be a coach before he got the better paying job.

  11. On this summer day 6 friends had joined together to have a party. As time went by they gradually got completely drunk and later passed out in the yard somewhere. This story takes place further in the past though where man and friend came together to show some muscle and try to win over the girls looking upon them wanting to be carried off to some unknown place to have a night of frivolous enactments. But these six friends had different thoughts because they were all ready to get things done at this party so they just wrestled around for hours forgetting the women nearby. This story went on its merry way to nowhere.
