Tuesday, March 19, 2013

The Work for my Generation
I believe the work that needs to be done for my generation to help achieve being leaders is to set good examples. There are so many kids that look up to people in my generation including me. So for us to start being leaders we need to set good examples for those kids. We need to help show them that our actions are good so that when they get our age they're actions are good. We need to help teach them right for wrong and show them to not do stupid things to get introuble and show them how to not fall into peer pressure. Help them become better students whether it's inside or outside the classroom. But most of all show them how to be better people.
In the Next Ten Years
In the next ten years I see myself achieving my long term and short term goals that I have set. I see myself living in a beatiful home with alot of land. I see myself with two beautiful chiuldren and an amzing, loving wife. I will be in the middle of completing my career, which is being the UFC heavyweight champion of the world. I will be working hard while taking my boxing, kickboxing, and jujitsu classes. In the next ten years I see myself trying as hard as possible to be the best husband and father I could possibly be. I will hope that in the next ten years I will still have my absolute best friends from high school and have them come over once in a while to hangout with me and my family. I want to be able to say in the next ten years that I have no regrets with what I have done with my life and to be one hundred percent proud of myself. This is where I see myself in the next ten years.

Monday, March 18, 2013

One Call
This is an easy answer. If I had only one call in any situation and needed somebody I could always rely on no matter what it would be my best friend Joe. Joe and I are always there for each other and always have each others back no matter what. There has been situations before when I needed help and I have always called Joe, he has always answered, and he has always helped me out. It doesn't matter how big the situation, whether it's vehicle problems, family problems, my own stupidity, or even a fight and I need some backup, Joe will help me out and I would do the same for him. I have been best friends with Joe for almost four years and when I say best friends I mean we are pretty much brothers and I hope it will stay like that forever. So if ever throughout my lifetime can only have one phone call for helpe I would Joe and know without a doubt he would pick up the phone and be on his way to help.

Wednesday, March 13, 2013

The World Out There
No I don't think we are alone. Now when I say that I don't mean I think there are aliens in space or other forms of life in all of the other galaxies. But what about heaven? I believe 100% with all my heart there is a heaven that contains of GOD, JESUS, angels, and all the real christians that have passed away. I believe that they are up in heaven looking down on us everyday of our lives and are hoping that each person does better to improve themselves faithfully and spiritually every day before it's too late. I am positive that there are no aliens in space or any other creatures because GOD made Earth, people, plants, light, darkness, animals, etc.. and in no where in the bible does it say that GOD created another planet that has other life forms. The Bible tells the truth, only the truth, and nothing but the truth. If there were aliens the bible would say so like it has said everything else that is true. So no we are not alone we are being watched everyday of our lives by a far more better creation than Earth.

Monday, March 11, 2013

Summer before College
I would buy an rv and take a trip with all my friends to anywhere in the U.S. We would have so much fun on our road trip. We would visit colorado and climb the mountains, go to the grand canyon, go to yellowstone park, and make so many memories together. When we return we would go to my apartment that I just bought and have a huge party and rip up the town. We would take pictures and videos of stupid stuff we do everyday. I would go on vacation with my family and spend time with them. After I spend time with my family, however, its time for friends again. Honestly, after we took our road trip we would pretty much do the same thing every night and that would be hangout, drive around the town, and sometimes drink. So that is what I would do for the summer before college if I did not have to worry about the money.

Friday, March 8, 2013

Educated Person
Honestly, I believe an educated person means to to be smart more with their commen sense and street smarts rather than book knowledge. See even if you know math, science, english, or government you still need to know how to act in the real world and makes decisions based on common sense. I mean why do you have to go to college to get a job and do good for yourself? I have many people in my family who never went to college and have good jobs and are doing great for themselves. People nowadays are to lazy to get out and do hard work, they would rather type on the computer or write things for a living. Everybody should be willing to work their butt of and get the pay they deserve. I hate when people who work at the same job get paid less than somebaody else just becaus ethey don't have the title manager or something and the manager does less work than the person getting paid less. So to me an educated person is one who works hard to make money to support their family and when tough decisions come they make the correct choice using their common sense.
Bad Invention
I believe fast food is a bad invention. Not eating fast foods can help you avoid deficiency-related health problems such as anemia, osteoporosis and cardiovascular diseases. The Dietary Guidelines explain that high proportions of undesirable nutrients edge out the more valuable vitamins, minerals and dietry fibers that your body needs. For example, a meal of large-sized fries, a double-meat cheeseburger, an oversized soda pop and an ice cream dessert can approach 1,500 calories, as per the USDA Nutrient Database.That's three-quarters of your daily calorie allowance in a 2,000-calorie diet, leaving just 500 calories to complete the requirements for vitamins A, B, C, D and E, fiber, calcium, magnesium and other essential minerals. Reversing this equation and using the smaller calorie allotment for less nutritious foods can help you rehabilitate a poor diet.

Thursday, March 7, 2013

During the  year I was thirteen, many things had happened. When I first turn thirteen I was live at Fort Campbell, KY and was so excited because we were about to move to Pierce City, MO. We had all our things packed and ready to go, so we left Kentucky and headed to Pierce City. When we got there it was so beautiful and I was so happy, and suprisingly I was excited to start school there. Well it was the night before my first day of school and I had all of my things packed and ready to go. The next morning I took a shower and got dressed for school when I found out that school was closed because of the icy weather, I was so disappointed. That whole week school was closed and it was the week before there christmas break, so I didnt get to start school until January. When I finally started going to school there I loved it and I really liked the people there. That's when I got my famous name "Marcum" which is my last name.
To me courage means doing something for someone or yourself when your scared to do it. Courage is sticking up for yourself and what you believe in even if there may be consequences. You don't have to be some kind of hero to be courageous or try to act like your stronger or better than everyone, because thats not what courage is about. For example, if you see your friends bully a kid and your scared to say something to them about it because your scared they might be stop being your friends and you tell them to stop doing it anyways, then thats courage. Courage help defines a person character it shows that they will make sure thats good is happened over bad. Honestly, there have been times when I have had the oppurtunity to be courageous and I decided not to be. However, there have been other times that I have been very courageous and put my fear behind. This to me is courage.

Tuesday, March 5, 2013

The word that best describe me is uncontrollable. Nobody can control me because the way I see it is life is about taking risks and having fun without anybody getting in the way. See thats why my mom and I always argue and fight, because she can't control me. At school no teacher or principal can control me because I do what I want. Now the effects of me doing this usually cause me getting introuble, however I don't count it as trouble because I can't be disciplined. See another way to describe me other than uncontrollable is steel trap. No one can bend or break me. I know people probably think that I must be a terribly bad kid for this, but the way I see it is it's your life and no one should have control over what you do, where you go, or how and why you do things. I'm not trying to sound like a big jerk because I'm not I'm actually a really nice and giving person, but when someone tries to stand in the way of my happiness they will be knocked down. So this is one of the words that best describes me and what I believe in.

Friday, March 1, 2013

1.) fity pound dumbell- I love to lift weights, so I could not live without bringing some sort of weight to lift. Everyday I gotta get stronger.
2.) My hunting knife- My grandpa gave me a hunting knife along time ago. Since my grandpa is my hero I would have to bring the knife he gave me.
3.) creatine- This helps my muscles get better faster and increases the muscle mass. So I have to bring this.
4.) level 1 protein- I love getting bigger. Drinking protein will make me gain more weight.
5.) shaker bottle- I love shaker bottles especially how there designed. Also I need this so i have something to put my protein and creatine in.
6.) letterman jacket- This show that throughout highschool I played football. It has value to me.
7.) scrapbook of pictures- Memories of family and friends. I will always be able to remember the good and bad times if i have a scrapbook with me.
8.) UFC sports magazine- I love fighting. If I have this around I could read it over and over and stay busy without ever getting bored with it.
9.) my autographed football- For christmas one year I recieved a denver broncos autographed football. The broncos are my favorite NFL team so I will always treasure the football.
10.)  Watch- Along time ago my dad gave me a very nice watch. This watch is very special because it had a medal covering over it so if i fell the watch would not break.