Monday, January 7, 2013

Anti Resolution

1.) I will not get into any street fights. Over christmas break I was being stupid and got into a fight with a kid in mcdonalds. I punched in the face and knocked him over and then I picked him up and threw him over a table. I ended up being arrested and put into jail.
2.) I will not ever drink alcohol in my house again. During christmas break a few friends and I threw a huge new years eve party in my room with alcohol and got caught the next morning. So I told my mom that it was just me that drank.
3.) I will not drink any soda. Soda makes you gain weight really fast so for this whole year I will not take even a sip of soda so I can stay healthy and have ripped abs by the summer.
4.) I will not be mean to any of my peers. Insteasd of being mean and making fun of people I will start being nice and treating everyone equally to one another. This I believe will help people's self esteem and make everyone happier at school and even out of school.
5.) I will not fall under peer pressure. From now on I will makes my own choices and make sure to think adout them and make sure they are good choices. I will no longer let my friends influence and pressure me into doing stupid things that cause me to get into trouble.
6.) I will no longer say cuss words. I will not cuss anymore and to avoid cussing I will use other words in replacement of those cuss words. The reason for this is it will make me a better person with a better character trait and people will respect that.
7.) I will not choose a job that doesn't require me to reach my full potential in life. When I graduate I will try as hard as I can to have a career that pushes me to my best abilities. When I finally have a career that I enjoy then I won't ever have to work again because it wont be work it will be a hobby that I love doing fulltime.
8.) I will not rush into a marriage. When i find a woman that i really like and start dating I will not rush into getting married. I need to remember that whoever this woman is, if I get married to her I will be with her for the rest of my life so I should take my tim before I get married to make sure whoever it is is the right one for me.
9.) I will not drink while driving. To drink and drive is very selfish. This is because your endangering others when your driving while intoxicated and if you wreck there is a very high chance that no one will make it out  alive. Evn if you are alone while driving drunk it is selfish because you could kill the person you wrecked into.
10.) I will not get any D's or F's for the rest of the semester. From now on I will focus most of my time on school and working my hardest to get the highest grade that is possible for me to achieve. Doing this will help me with college, my career, and my self esteem.


  1. Marcum, you have some radical ideas on the things that you do. It's hard to break habits that you are used to. Peer pressure, grades, fighting, and idiotic actions cause such consequences that you have been currently getting into. It's hard to break the "thug life" and change. People will always talk about change but never live up to it. I like your anti-resolutions but make them more breakable next time. Marriage is one thing I find rather difficult about you. I never really see you well acquainted with women so I do not believe that it should be one of your examples. Also, your anti-resolutions tend to repeat each other such as alcohol, peer pressure, and your own motivation. Some of the things you do are quite predictable of you and I recommend that you stay away from people that will cause you harm or dire consequences. For instance, grades do matter for the admittance of college but if you cannot break the anti-resolutions that you have posted, its a waste of money and effort in attempting to do something that isn't for you. My final advice is "YOLO." You may only live once, but that doesn't mean you should not follow the rules and regulations set by powerful people.

    1. lol sura thank you for being honest especially about me being a thug that made me lauph

  2. Good call with no more street fighting, that normally results in going to jail for a couple nights. Also not rushing into marriage i see as a very good thing. Take your time you have years and years to think about marriage in the future, and if you do rush and end up getting divorse having to pay child support would hmm #6 you will no longer cuss anymore? (haha) That won't even last a week. No more D's or F's is a very good goal to keep in school, keeps your grade average high and you dont just skim by to pass or worse fall under a 60%. Senior is fun the first time, but would suck the second time (haha). #5 not falling into peer pressure. If you can handle it that one i believe will help you the most. You seem to get pressured into things you dont want to do all the time by your classmates and your the only one that gets into trouble. Speaking of which how about #2 spending getting drunk over christmas break. Your better then that, dont fall for the peer preasure and become a responible young adult. Nice list man.

  3. Marcum,
    Your anti-resolutions are great ones. I believe everyone who has the same problems/habits should keep your resolutions in mind. Although there a great ones to abide by, they seem to be a little outrageous. I definitely think that you should listen to several of them because (like your first anti-resolution) there are consequences that could affect your life not only right now but in the future. I am not a drinker so quite a few of your resolutions seem to be common sense to me but I do not live the same kind of life that you do. Number 8 of your anti-resolutions is something that I think everyone and anyone should follow. Yet I don’t think that this is really an anti-resolution for you in the year 2013. I think that this idea is more of an “in the future” type of resolution. I hope that you can break your bad habits and become the person that you are describing that you want to be. :)

  4. Well, it's really good to hear you wont fall under peer pressure anymore Jacob. When it comes to marriage though you might want to want a while (as in two or three years) before you even start thinking about marriage so that way you can see if the woman your with is even right for you. When it comes to fighting Jacob, it is always better just to walk away and forget anything ever happened. If you find that just walking away doesnt help just count to ten as you walk away, it helps.:) It's good to hear that you have set a few goals for yourself for this year of 2013

  5. Marcum,
    These are some pretty hard resolutions but they're good ones no the less. It's great that you are trying to better yourself and help other people as well. I think that if there were more people in this world that have the same ideas as you have written down and fullfilled them then maybe the world would be a better place. It is definitley smart to not rush into getting marriend. Both of my parents did so and they are both working on their third set of marriage. It's better to wait for the one you know is right then to marry the one that is wrong and not have the chance to experience what it's like to be a responible adult and be able to live a happily married life. Good luck on your resolutions! Have a good year!

  6. WEllllll I think these are all good. Starting off with the fights, yeah those are a big no no you don't want to go to jail.Right? I'll answer that for you and say Heck NO. The second one is pretty genius to beings you can't even drink legally until your 21 lol. But ya you probably shouldnt get caught doing those things in your own house where yo mama is. You better quit drinking a driving I don't want to hear about you crashing and getting hurt or even worse, take care of yourself! Overall all these are all very good and all could easliy be met with some dedication, and I believe you can do. #8. Is a very good one, you will know when that person is the one so just wait for that wonderful feeling,I started dating mine 4 years ago tomorrow and we have had some problems but it was all worth it! :)I think if you set yor mind to these you will be set, especially with the job I think that is cool that you don't want to just settle for a job you want a job your well suited for and good at. Goodluck Marcum

  7. Marcum Marcum
    First let’s start at soda and ripped abs? I wonder about you sometimes but what the heck I am right there with you I wish I could give it up but my body has become so used to all the sugar if I stop eating candy and drinking soda my blood sugar drops so far that it gives me the shakes and a severe headache and I feel like I could black out. I really want to stop but what would I drink? Next I am glad you want to give up beer and what not but what about that chaw habit of yours (or sunflower seeds)? Finally how many times have you been married? Hahaha I would definitely think long and hard and maybe wait along tome on this one marriage I a big decision and I am a firm believer in only doing that one time I believe even If you try for divorce you are actually still married so all I know to say is pick wisely 

  8. Marcum, I think a lot of you resolutions relate back to your problems with peer pressure anyway so if you are able to get that under control you may be able to succeed. Not falling under peer pressure probably means you will have to stop hanging out with people who like to have fun at your expense. Taking yourself away from the problem completely will probably be a big help. As to the drinking and driving, I sure hope that was not a regular occurrence in the past because, like you said, you are putting not only yourself but everyone else in danger. It is a very stupid decision with HUGE consequences. As does getting into fights so it's a good thing you are avoiding those too. I hope you are successful in finding a job that helps you reach your potential and you make the most of your life. If you cut out these bad habits early on before it is too late I think you can achieve that.

  9. Oh, Marcum.
    First let me start out by saying that this is a very admirable list. I am rooting for you to fulfill each one of the items on it. Fighting, drinking and driving, and getting bad grades can all be easy habits to break by removing yourself from situations where those temptations are everywhere, as well as avoiding peer pressure. I especially enjoy your resolution to find a job you love so that you will never work a day in your life. That is something I have always aspired to find, but have yet to do so. I hope that you manage to find that career and that you enjoy every single day you spend doing it. I know that with your ability to find fun in nearly any situation, it should not be hard for you to find it. I am looking forward to reading your work in this class!

  10. Marcum,
    I would like to just start by saying I enjoy reading your anti resolution list. I loved that you decide not to get a D or F for this semester when it's almsot time to graduate but that's still a great goal to go for! I never knew you got D's or F's because you were always a nice person to me and you did not seem like you would struggle on assignments. But you can do it! Good luck on your anti-resolution list!
