Tuesday, May 7, 2013

Senior Final

It’s hard to believe that this is the last blog post I will ever do. Everything is flying by so fast and it’s hard to take in. Everyone I’m sure knows that I’m ready to get out of high school, but does that mean I won’t miss it or I won’t be sad? No it doesn’t. So many memories I will be leaving behind and the people that I love such as my friends, family, and yes even teachers. However, I am ready to start my life into the real world.

                To begin, out of all the advice in the world I could give to your next year students this one doesn’t have to do with just your class. Students, think about what you do before you do it. I’m serious; really take time before you make a decision. It doesn’t matter how long it takes you just make sure your making the right decision. Think about the consequences, think about the people the decision will affect, and think about how they will affect you in the long run. I have done so many stupid things and made decisions that I will regret for the rest of my entire life and there is nothing I can do about it because I didn’t think about the consequences I just did it. Because of those stupid decisions that I made they have affected what use to be my closest friends, my family and whoever was around me when I made some of those decisions. So please listen to me and think about what you’re doing before you do it and I promise you it will make life ten times better and easier. My next advice to give is do not be shy about your writing. Students this is a CREATIVE writing class, use your imagination and everything you can express out loud and put it on paper. See, I’m not a very smart kid but when I’m in that class I use my ability to talk a lot and my imagination and out it on paper. I ended up winning most creative writer! But, I wasn’t even there to receive my award. You know why? I didn’t believe in myself. I thought I wouldn’t win any awards so I just didn’t go to the award ceremony. This brings me to my next advice. Believe in yourself; know that whatever you want to do, whatever you dream of doing, you can achieve it. There is no such thing as a dream that is impossible to have. It takes motivation, time, passion, hard work, sweat, and even tears. However, it’s worth doing all that to end up being what you want to be and doing what you want to do. So students, please take the advice I have given to you and use it because I promise you it will be worth it.

                Next, it’s time to pick my favorite blog post. This is very hard to do because there are so many we have done this year and having to choose just one to write about is almost impossible. My favorite blog post was entitle “Riff on Opening Lines”. I had so much fun creating this blog because I was able to write a story. I was able to use my imagination to create a story that impressed me when I read it. It makes me wonder what I could do if I wrote like a novel or something. I just enjoyed being able to make up stuff, put it into paragraph form, and getting a good grade on it. I loved watching people read my story because I could tell that they were really getting into it. So that is my favorite blog post.

                Last but not least, the most valuable thing that I have learned in this class this year is hard work pays off. I used to always half ass homework and assignments and made terrible grades, but then I realized when I completely did a whole blog or assignment that is raised my grade a decent amount. So if I would’ve worked hard and done all my stuff completely I would be graduating with all A’s. At least I know next time and have learned from my mistakes.


Monday, May 6, 2013


I have learned how to be my inner self and how to express myself on paper. I have learned how to gather up all my creative ideas and thoughts and write them down into a story. Being able to write for five minutes without having anything brainstormed, just using your imagination to fill in the blanks. Writing about many different topics and ideas without doing research on them. Just being able to explore your mind and pull out ideas you have never even thought about before. Mostly I have learned that it doesn't take anyone special to be good at creative writing because you get to use your thoughts, ideas, felling's, and imagination and put it all together to make wonderful and incredible stories,

A Fine Line

Best- humor, eyes, sweetness, generosity, courageousness, passionate, athletic abilities, personality, singing, and having fun.

Worst- temper, common sense, back talking, mouthing, do stupid things, sometimes don't know when to shut up, always changing my mind, respecting elders, language, and disobedience.

Valuable Lessons

-Make sure to have fun. From experience I have learned to not be some boring kid I like to go out and have fun.
- Don't let people bully you around. Always make sure that everybody knows your not scared of anyone.
-  Never bring anything to school no matter who it's for or how good you think you are at hiding things.
- You choose your life don't let anyone make your decisions for you.
- A bad temper can get you in big trouble.
- Being the class clown makes you wonder how much of a jack ass your being.
- procrastinating can cause someone so much stress that they start going crazy.
-When your a freshman on the football team, make sure to be good friends with the seniors.
- Be nice to everybody because each an every person wants to feel loved and appreciated,
-Don't rush high school ;)                             

Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Creating a List and Checking it Twice

1.     People who have influenced me-  My parents, grandparents, friends, coaches, teachers, and cousins
      2.     Places that make me happy- My bed, restaurants, weight rooms, pools, movie theaters, and football fields
      3.     Places I would like to go- Colorado, California, Wisconsin, Canada, strip clubs, and casinos
      4.     Things in people that I like- humor, generosity, loyalty, courage, kindness, and athleticism
      5.    Things in people that I dislike- snobby, lazy, two-faced, mean, rude, and think their smarter then everyone else
      6.     Things that worry me- my future, money, grades, getting caught when I'm doing something I shouldn't, death, and finding a job
      7.     Things I would like to know how to do- snowboard, skydive, get rich quick, fix vehicles, mountain climbing, and fly an airplane
      8.     Things that have moved me- the movie Passion of the Christ, Facing the Giants, my mom telling me she loves me everyday, when my Joe and bo hug me in school, My dad randomly telling me to have a good day at school, and when people tell me I'm looking good
     9.     Ideas that intrigue me- That you need college to get a good job, being skinny is good, that aliens are real, steroids are illegal, smarter people are better, and being lazy is now cool.
    10.  My personal favorites- Lifting Weights, eating, sleeping, playing on my new phone, going out with friends, watching That 70s Show, going to the lake, hanging out with girls, and shopping for clothes.

Monday, April 22, 2013

Never Say Goodbye

The hardest goodbye I have ever had to say was to a very special girl named Taylor. I first met her when I was very young and we lived on Fort Campbell, KY because my dad was in the army. Taylor and I hung out everyday and sometimes she even stayed the night with me. After a couple years we decided to move to Missouri. After living in Missouri for almost five years Taylor came down to visit me. She stayed for two weeks and those were the best two weeks of my life. We went to Branson together and swam in the pool, went to watch a musical, played in an arcade, and walked around in shops. Taylor and I would always wrestle at my house and she would always beat me because I always let her win but she doesn't know that. Taylor and I became intimate with each other and it was very special every time it happened. The day before Taylor left we went to Joplin with my sister, when we arrived to the mall my sister went to hangout with her boyfriend and me and Taylor walked around. The me and her decided to leave and go for a drive. We arrived at a back dirt road surrounded by trees and there was a path. So me and Taylor walked on the path for 30 minutes just talking and then came back to the car and we made love. After that we went back to the mall and picked sister up and went home. Finally, we made it to my house, Emilee went and fell asleep on the couch, so Taylor and I went and cleaned my room and made love again. Later that day my parents arrived home and we all watched movies till it was time for bed. When everyone else fell asleep Taylor and I layed on the couch together and talked for a couple of hours. We went to my bedroom and made love for the last time and it was the greatest time of my life, not just because it was sex, but because it was with the most special girl in my life that I have known very long. We ended up staying up the whole night talking and listening to music on her computer. In the morning it was time for Taylor to leave back to Texas. She gave all my family hugs and goodbyes. Then she came to me and we hugged, I gave her one last kiss, and then she whispered in my ear "I love you Jake and I will miss you". I started tearing up and then she left. I managed to hold my tears because I had to go to school. That was the hardest goodbye I have ever went through. That night all I could think about was Taylor and all the memories we had shared. I honestly know that she was the most perfect girl for me and I wish and hope without all my heart that when I see her again that we will be together forever.

Tuesday, April 16, 2013

In other Words

1.) "Stupid is as stupid does. Forrest Gump."
2.) "Life is like a box of chocolates, you never know what you gonna get". Forrest Gump
3.) "I'm ready." SpongeBob Squarepants.
4.) "Lightweight baby!" Ronnie Coleman.
5.) "Git'R'Done." Larry the Cable Guy.
6.) "Don't cry before its over, smile because it happened." Dr. Suess
7.)"The last three or four reps is what makes the muscle grow. This area of pain divides the champion from someone else who is not a champion. That's what most people lack, having the guts to go on and just say they'll go through the pain no matter what happens." Arnold Schwarzenneger.
8.)“Eat like an Animal. Train like a Monster. Sleep like a Baby.” Keith Nolan
9.) "I believe that the definition of definition is reinvention. To not be
like you parents. To not be like your friends. To be yourself.
Completely." Henry Rollins
10.) "I prefer to work out alone. It enables me to concentrate on the lessons
that the Iron has for me. Learning about what you’re made of is always
time well spent, and I have found no better teacher. The Iron had
taught me how to live." Henry Rollins